The POWERbreathe K Series is the 3rd generation of POWERbreathe Inspiratory Muscle Training series (breathing training) and the world’s first portable precision electronic inspiratory muscle training and monitoring system that delivers a superior performance. The POWERbreathe K Series is rechargeable and supplied with a recharging and display stand.
The POWERbreathe K Series uses the basic principles of resistance training. Just as you might use weights to strengthen your arm muscles, breathing in through POWERbreathe against the electronically controlled, rapid-response valve creates a resistance to inhalation – thereby increasing inspiratory muscle strength and endurance.
The POWERbreathe K Series' training resistance is specifically designed to match the dynamic changes in breathing muscle strength throughout your breath and can automatically adapt to increases in your inspiratory muscle strength at the beginning of each training session. Training measurement results are displayed on screen, allowing you to monitor training progress and to optimise your training technique.
The POWERbreathe training regime of 30 breaths twice a day, typically takes only a few minutes a day, and when used correctly you should start to feel the benefits within just a few weeks.
POWERbreathe is drug-free and natural with no side effects or drug interactions.