
The Magstim® BiStim²

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The Magstim® BiStim² combines two 200² units through a connecting module, so that paired pulses can be delivered

through one coil.

Suitable for both cortical and peripheral stimulation, The Magstim® BiStim² allows the user to deliver precise sub- and supra-threshold conditioning and test pulses with the ability to connect two individual coils for interhemispheric stimulation.

  • Monophasic
  • Paired Pulses
  • Cortical & Peripheral Stimulation
  • Sub- and supra-threshold conditioning

Ideal for intracortical inhibition as well as facilitation and brain connectivity studies.

Users in the USA: CAUTION: Investigational device. Limited by Federal (or United States) Law to investigational use. In accordance with US federal regulations an IDE and/or IRB approval may be required.

Πίσω στο: Συστήματα Διακρανιακής Μαγνητικής Διέγερσης – TMS